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Thursday, November 26, 2009

Ha ha!
new work place today (=
hope can meet a lot of friends^^

jia liang
[1:32 PM]

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Ahh! super sian,lazy to post pictures taken during the chalet...
anyway just a few photos nia,cause too engrossed in playing le =X
well it started well and ended well too...
first night just slept a little(thanks to my block nose) but second night slept quite long..
played mahjong,wild wild wet,ps2...
most important thing is the....BBQ!!

Haha,makan a lot but i think still got many leftovers,so sayang...
ermm,i donno how many can of drinks i'd consumed that night...10?15?
argh...no wonder my stomach felt so bloated and wobbly,like carrying a tank of water ....
last day of chalet went back home around 11am..
thanks the guys for helping to clear the rubbish in chalet(i know it is super dirty)
sorry ah,never help you'll tidy,cause i busily sleeping uh,felt guilty though =X
you know, i've to work on that day's evening,so it is important for me to catch a few more hours of eye-shut before getting ready for work with a clear mind so that i will not fall asleep during work!!
Haha,i know is excuses but you all will forgive me right? =P

oh my god,my vision is blurring now,guess i gonna sleep soon =0
goodbye! =)

.:: There's work tomorrow,joven is coming,which means, that i can bully him, during WORK (= ::.

jia liang
[12:24 PM]

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Finally have the time to blog!

This few days work until 1am leh, super duper tired >.<
my whole body was overwhelmed by fatigue liao la,argh...
aching terribly!
my poor foot,damn pain,should buy a foot massager or something to ease the pain..
whole day standing,serving,clearing,packing,loading things...
Haiz,welcome to life KAH LEONG!!

But came to think about that job,it was relatively doable,
The seniors and supervisors are good as they take good care of us...
(all bunch of jokers XD)
well,sometimes having a few dressings are inevitable,
'cause you see,we are still new,so we will tend to do some cocky stuff untill the supervisors buai ta han
But at the end of the day,i still quite like the job despite being a labourious one...
the fun part was that we can secretly drink wine,eat main courses...haha!!
of course we did these without being watched la =X
haha!! whatever!!
I know that i am very greedy,but who cares?

There's one time when i wanted to serve a white wine to a bald guy,
I accidentally toppled the wine glass on to the dinning table(the glass too tall )
Luckily never spill on his head if not his head can be the subsitute for the grand lightings liao XD
Common sense lead me to apologise profusely to the guy..
Duh?! except for being sorry,what can you still amend after you make a mistake especially a stupid one?
The guy was like, 'Wah lau! '
I was like 'wah paing!'
Dammmmmmmm embarassing sia as almost 10 pairs of unfriendly eyes darted at me!!
AHHHHH!!! i told myself i must GET OUT of that place,so i immediately headed to the kitchen to 'hide' until the commotion subsided...

LOL!!! face super hot!! so pai seh la!!
Never mind,don't BRAG about it le haha!
one sentence to summarise : I like working still..... HAHAHA!

will be going to chalet later around evening time ya...
i think i cannot sleep de 'cause sure very noisy de,whatever!
bye peeps!
will post more when i'm back from chalet!! =)

Oh ya! Before i forget, HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOMMY!! LOVE YA LOTS!!

.:: where your treasure is,there will your heart be also ::.

jia liang
[12:54 PM]

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Bye peeps!!
I'm off to work!! (=

jia liang
[11:58 AM]

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Ehhh, just came back from farrer park...
bought a pair of black pants,$14.90 today....
and some other craps yesterday..
Haven't start working i'd already spent so much money le..
can't imagine what will happen after i've gotten my first pay...
one way in the other way out??
i hope not,haha,will try to resist temptations...

Can't wait,tomorrow going to start working le..
but the 1st five hours of money earned are not counted as the part of the salary,
you know,company policy crap..whatever..
so i will be earning my REAL salary 6hours later ya ...

.:: Going and Going ::.

jia liang
[5:47 PM]

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Hello Peeps!!

I am at school now, doing the laptop backup program thingy....
My laptop is now safe!!!


jia liang
[2:53 PM]

Monday, November 16, 2009


Going to start work this coming thursday @ Sentosa Golf Club
Well, basically just serve drinks lo..
Quite slack la i think, can also kapo a few food and drinks..

After the interview,went to buy a pair leather shoes,
Met jian hao,zhao fu,joel ,basically the whole joven's gang la...
Went to eat dinner with chiam then bused striaght home...
hmm...gonna prepare myself for the working life...
surely, it's is going to be a tough time i think....

Bye peeps!

.:: Thanks Zelig for his job offer,owe you one dude^^ ::.

jia liang
[10:30 PM]

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Went out to Bugis with Mel,jj and yuan =)
Lan-ed, i still suck at dota though =P
whatever? i kinda play until bored liao...
so,heck care le... XD

tomorrow going for the so-called job interview..
hope that i suit that kind of working environment,if not...
but,i'm still quite excited about it,weird huh?
who will go against with money?

anyway,time for some one piece episodes shall we?

jia liang
[9:28 PM]

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Omg! Today is so boring 'cause i can't go out!

fyi , i will start working on monday onwards,hmmm...
Don't know whether is it a tough job or not,pray that it better be good and relaxing,=P
if not I gg le >.<

jia liang
[1:16 PM]

Friday, November 13, 2009

source copied from jinglong

jia liang
[7:30 PM]


Finally,finally it is over...
10years of education up to date,
well,still have more to come..
But,i finally had the time to rest,
finally i can lay my mind in complete peace and serenity,
breakfree from all those stressful studies,projects,homeworks,etc...

Olevel is finally over!(=
And now,the jittery part is getting back the results
which somewhat lamely,i don't wish of getting back it back =X
because i dare not face the truth..
i know i am timid,but facts usually hurts...
What if i can't get good results?
What if i can't get into a good college?
All the 'What if(s)' just puzzled me and most certainly,
denying and dashing my hope and wish of getting a single digit for my L1R5...

Guiltily,i thought that i'd not put in much effort in this major examinations...
But what's the point in saying all this now,it's already over..
long over after i put now my pen,making a halt and passed up my answer scripts...
I told myself that i will good results,
and hopefully i could..
i'm anticipating to share my fruits of labour next year after i've gotten back the results,
and Hopefully it will be good news...

Well now,from today onwards i can enjoy life as much as i want..
and for those who are still schooling,don't get jealous,you will get your chances soon =)

There were also many things waiting for me to do this coming November and December..
i will be looking forward to the chalet of course, and thanks all the friends who had help to organise it,really hope that this chalet will will turn out to be a fun and memorable one 'cause i not sure whether will there be a chance for us to sit around to talk,play or tease one another again...

Well,not forgetting my church friends,i seem to be neglecting them and i felt guilty,
hope that they don't bear a grudge on me,Sorrieeee guys (=
i will definitely fix a time for you'll =) I promise !!

Lastly,there are still many other activities waiting for me during this super long holiday..
who say holiday aren't the best ??(me? in my previous post =X)
But, that rather depends on whether you have extra cash in your pocket to spend a not.Agree?
like a old saying which goes like this : NO MONEY NO TALK !
Speaking of which, zelig had just offered me a job as a waiter and i'm still pondering on whether i should take up the offer or not.. ( an hour@$6.00 )
ya so,need to wait for my dad to reach home first..
He makes the final call (=
Anyway,THANKS ZELIG!! i will treat you a chocolate,a yellow one, if i get that job (=
ya so that's all for today,will post more from now on..
so stay tuned peeps!!


jia liang
[5:13 PM]

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

nothing better to do...
how can i survive after the olevel ?
my mom is persuading me to find a job...


..if not,
i will surely burn a hole in my pocket...
that's terrible..
imagine life without money..
is like eating prawn noodle without prawn,or without the chopsticks,the spoon,the bowl...
how are you going to enjoy it?!

hell man,
i always thought that holidays are the best,
but i'd started getting sick and tired of the usual lame old day...
Suddenly,i felt that i'd missed school life very much...
so much so in calling my school my second home, and the teachers my parents...

so guys out there who are still trying to fit in into secondary school life,
please do enjoy every moment, every second...
enjoy school life to the fullest,make sure whatever you do,there are no regrets..

All the best! (=

jia liang
[9:57 PM]

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Nope, i am not flipping my textbooks now... =P

jia liang
[6:19 PM]

Thursday, November 5, 2009

starting everything fresh !

jia liang
[6:37 PM]

Sunday, November 1, 2009

I'm going to take back my words and blog just for today =P

The maths papers were relatively easy,
hopefully the remaining papers will be easy as well (=
Jia you kah leong!


ps: quite short post though

.:: Venice,please appear tomorrow! Tolong,tolong(: ::.

jia liang
[12:44 PM]

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Blogging will resume on 13th of NOVEMBER.

.:: i must endure (= ::.

jia liang
[11:42 AM]

Sunday, October 4, 2009

You should be Studying now Kah Leong!!

jia liang
[6:32 PM]